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When your candle is lit and for the first time, you feel the wind in your sails, it bursts you into flaming blaze. This is My desire over you and for you, My bride! I yearn over you with great desire that you come into My arms and be equally yoked with Me. I never want your fervor to grow lukewarm or cold, I always desire My love for you to be reciprocated!

It is radical when you first experience the light of My zeal bursting you forth towards heaven like a flaming rocket. If you can, allow Me to remain the Pilot of your flame. The wind of My Presence knows the perfect velocity to pilot your light to the right hue and height. If you pilot your own flame, you will be overcome with such strong passion all at once that you will quickly burn out. Let holy passion rise and fall with the wind of My Presence. Let passion burst forth in delight as I re-kindle your fire! Now let My Spirit arise in your life, let Me burst into flame, My bride, My wife!

Ps 104:3-4 NLT
You make the clouds your chariots; you ride upon the wings of the wind. The winds are your messengers; flames of fire are your servants.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.

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