Dear ones, there are burdens you have carried for over a decade and the weight of such has grown overpowering to your soul. Great has been the labor and travail of your soul. You have done everything you can do to make a difference that these burdens would find resolution. I have groaned over your sufferings, dear ones. My heart has ached for you.

It is time to let these go once and for all. Heave the burdens into My care and let Me carry them. I will answer your prayers to be delivered from places where you have not found a settling place. I AM granting your requests to set you free. You have humbled yourself, complied and been obedient to the best of your ability. Now let go, let go, let go and find release towards your new beginning.

Ps 55:21 NKJV
Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.