I am returning and renewing the callings of many who have fallen off their horses in past rides. Yes it was a wild ride and you went through much training on how to ride your horses of faith! Guarding your tongues, you learned that they speak both life and death and those that love it will eat of its fruit. You learned how to become obedient and be guided by My eye and not by a bit and bridle. You learned how to cling to Me in riding the winds of My Spirit. You learned how to raise up a holy standard and abide therein. Dear captains, I AM renewing your callings. No you haven’t forgotten them, but this will be a new strength, new passion, new zeal to run your final race. You have gone through much training and you are ready and prepared. Obedience is key, stay faithful dear friends!

Esther 8:10 And he wrote in king Ahasuerus’ name, and sealed it with the king’s ring, and sent letters by couriers on horseback, and riding on royal horses bred from swift horses:



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.