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Precious ones, throughout the years I have heard your prayers to hear My voice and see visions of what I am saying and doing in the earth. I have taken you through deluges of spiritual rain, and you have found watering holes in subsequent droughts. Even when the holes dried up I watched you dig spiritual wells in efforts to reach your thirst for My personal Word to you. Your desire for fellowship with Me has remained in your prayers and I have not forgotten you dear ones! Your roots have grown deep in Me throughout these seasons and you will always find water.

I have not stopped speaking. Remember that I always speak into the earth and My Word will not return void but will accomplish all that I desire. Yes sometimes you need to realign yourself to be in the right place to hear and see what I am saying and doing. And sometimes you need to be still before Me, knowing I am God. And yes you need to pray for opened ears and eyes. Sometimes you need to climb higher above the cares of the barking world. More prayer, worship and My Word.

Dear one if you yet struggle, begin to pray over what limitation you have placed upon Me. It is very possible the barrier is within you. Yes always discern and filter what you hear and see. Yet still approach Me with the heart of a child who knows I give good gifts. Your childlike faith and trust is very precious. Do all you can to protect it and increase it. Thank you for pressing into Me and not giving up. You are overcoming all that is within and without and I am so very proud of you. You totally delight Me, My precious child!

Luke 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.

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