My dear, dear hearts, I have such longings over your hearts, for I too was wounded in the house of My brethren.  To the lonely hearts I will give people to talk to and people to listen.  I will pour My peace into hearts that have fearfully been betrayed.  I will dissolve all bitter cynicism that has held many captive in withholding from others. To those who lost trust, I promise to show who are your friends. And to those who were wounded by a friend, remember those who have your back will tell you the truth even if it hurts, just as I would tell you the truth if you listen.  Dear ones, I will help you put your trust in Me as your Source, where you will learn how to love with My love while keeping your expectations on Me. I do not want you to walk alone. I do not want you walking in isolation.   I want you planted with kindred hearts that will celebrate My joy and divide your sorrows.  Do not be afraid to reach out and do not be afraid to let others reach in.

I am pouring My anointing of loving-kindness and will draw people to pollinate lives with sweetness and joy.  Like a bee flying from flower to flower, “BEE” sensitive to where I draw you to land.  A little touch here, a little smile there, little words sprinkled everywhere.  And you will be amazed that the more you smile, the more others will smile in return. Smiles are contagious and I created them to be.

Most of all, do not forget that I want to be Your friend.  I earnestly need you, just as you need Me.  Your heart has many layers.  Let Me dissolve unbelief, fear, alone-ness and let Me in.  I will use people to touch your life, but try to remember Who sent them.  It is MY heart for you.  Return to me dear one, let us find the intimacy that you crave.  I will always walk with you and promise never to leave or abandon you.  You, My dear heart are never alone. Never.  I am here to listen and respond.  Let us rebuild what fell in your life.  As you open your heart to Me, there is much JOY awaiting in our friendship together!

Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. 

Proverbs 18:24 A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.