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Learn to love by letting go. There is a yearning of the soul that desires to possess that which does not belong to you. My love does not covet, it sets free. Give those that you love into My care. Yes, you have heard that you give roots and wings to your loved ones. Grant them the stability of knowing you are there for them and then release them one step at a time to learn to crawl, walk, run and then fly into their destinies in Me.

Remember that birds are flighty. If you chase a bird it will fly away. As you yearn with My Spirit over those you care for, keep the palm of your hand open and like a bird in flight, let them freely come and go in your life as they will. Remain in loving watch care over their lives and provide an open palm of a warm safe shelter for their hearts. Stay faithful and you will always have friends no matter what age.

Phil 2:3-8 NLT
Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don’t think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Lifeā€¦ and He died for you.

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