When the enemy has made plans against you for your destruction, always remember that I hold the wind and the waves within boundaries. Sometimes I allow the enemy access to rebuke and chasten the ones I love who have burned their consciences and are blind to their own rebellions. Yes, a time of surgery is coming for those who are blind, naked and lukewarm. They have tested Me through their love for compromising worldly entertainment and fallen short. This has opened the door to embracing plastic counterfeit spirits into their lives.

Those of you who have yielded to Me in earnest repentance, those who are humble, willing, teachable and yielded to Me, you have nothing to fear. As you bow low before Me with fearful hearts, not because you fear the demonic plot, but because you want to please Me, I completely canopy you with My grace and favor. Anything the enemy says becomes a false alarm, for you are safely preserved. He may accuse you of being slimed from the counterfeit and the storm may appear violent but it will pass you without harm.

I do allow the wind and the rain to touch your soul and flesh. I will use the storms in life to draw out and separate that which does not belong to Me. I separate between the soul and the Spirit that My living water may run clear and pure without mixture in your life.

Yes I ask you to stand and say no to the enemy slime and uncertainties. Yes it is vital that you learn to read the signs of the times and stay within the boundaries of safety that I have prescribed. As you stand in the reality of My generous covering, you will find, dear one, that no matter what you see coming against you, it will turn to mere smoke that is swept right past you. Let Me carry you and your burdens. No matter what the alarm, do not worry precious one. It is your choice to rest in My favor and stand against the alarming signs of the times.

John 17:15 NLT
I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.