You stand before the river Jordan, wringing your hands in indecision. Your heart knows the risk, it feels the unseen dangers. Yet I AM on the other side beckoning you to come. Come. Come. Hear My voice like the wooing of the dove, calling you to follow Me into a land of new beginnings.

In order to cross over, you must let go of all that is precious to your heart. Every last thing, person, dream and goal on earth. You must leave it all behind and pray that only what is of eternal value will follow you over to the other side. Be willing to give it all up to follow Me.

I AM there on the other side, willing, wishing, wanting you to come. But the decision remains yours. No one can make this decision for you. It is My gift of choice to you, for I only want those who will serve Me in love. I do not want obedient robot-like slaves, but dedicated, willing, desirous hearts to be one with Mine. Will you partner with Me in what I long for on this earth? Will you be a part of that which I have prepared and ready to usher in on earth? There is a place for you if you want to join Me.

Crossing over the river Jordan is 100% commitment. Total dedication. Total surrender to the One Who loves and cherishes you, but also has a last day plan to defeat all the works of the devil. There will be sacrifices to be made. I would not ask My children for such without their own desire to be so. Understand, this is totally your choice. And no condemnation will upon you either way. None whatsoever. You will always belong to Me. I treasure you exactly as you are.

“Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:5)



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.