It is time to shed and abandon old ways and old patterns that do not promote abundant health to your soul, body and spirit. Yes what is outside of sin is lawful, but all things are not edifying; they do not build you up. Precious one, you have asked for My increase in your life. If you stayed in the old skin in your thinking, perspectives, emotions, habits, the increase of My anointing would burst through cracks in your character and it would cause much damage to you and others. Beloved if you are feeling tight and squeezed in areas, it is because I AM moving you to let go and leave the old self behind.

I have brought you through years of maturation where these old patterns no longer fit you. Simply be willing to lay these down and walk away. Your character in Me has grown to the place where your will is strong enough to say, “NO!” to old dysfunctions of what no longer works to appease and what no longer fits My image. Strip off the old self, abandon it and return to it no more. You are a new creature in Me, and old things have passed away. As you abandon the old skin, you will have a new covered protection and home in Me. I will increase your blessing as you swim freely in the waters of My Spirit.

Mark 2:22 NLT
And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. The wine would burst the wineskins, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine needs new wineskins.”



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.