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When you suddenly find yourself caught in an old test, one that you have taken before, rejoice. This is your chance to get things right from places where you have stumbled in your past. Dear ones, this circle of pain is not allowed to make you fall, but to bring healing deep within your soul.

Sometimes there a tiny threads of past disappointments that are like little ingrown hairs. Life grows around them as you press on in life and they are ignored and unnoticed. When it is time to repair an old wound, I allow this little pain to work its way toward the surface of your heart. Before you know it, there is a red area, a pocket of infection that has become openly transparent. Give these old places to Me and I will lance these pimples with My sword. I will draw out the infection with My love and grant you the warm balm of My healing Word. Always remember that when you ask Me for forgiveness, I do not keep a record of your sins, you are completely forgiven, My beloved child.

Ps 130:3, 4 NLT
LORD, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you.



Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life… and He died for you.

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